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Posted on behalf of Tilman Gloetzner (Germany)

AMSAT-UK 2007 Convention in Surrey

Slides and supporting drawings for Tilman's presentation at the AMSAT-UK 2007 convention in Surrey England.

  •  AmsatUk_2007_V1_2.zip - PowerPoint presentation outlining the function of the CANDO module, and its verification
  •  Tilman Drawings.zip - These are the Visio drawings (.vsd file) used in the presentation

Stackable CAN-Do! test boards

We designed a system of stackable CAN-Do! base boards, The idea is to either use them in standalone mode to have easy access to the pins of the CAN-Do! , or to use them in conjunction with other CAN-Do! + CAN-Do! base boards to form a CAN bus. In this case, the boards are stacked on top of each other. The following are the schematics for the various boards:

  •  CanDoBase_1_2.sch.pdf - Carrier board for the CAN-Do! module as well as piggyback boards
  •  StandardModePiggy1_1_0.sch.pdf - Piggyback module to be mounted on the carrier board. It is designed to test the CAN-Do! in standard mode by feeding its output lines to the input lines.
  •  TerminalBoard_1_0.sch.pdf - Stackable terminator board (as originally envisioned by Dr. Karl Meinzer)

Basically, it is similar to the CAN ring Stephen (KZ0Q) built. The difference is in the concept: Instead of cable it uses pinheads to make the connection between the boards thereby forming the CAN ring.

I have currently 7 modules stacked on top of each other  -- it looks like a "tower" about 70 cm height.



 CAN-Do! Website copyright 2007, Stephen Moraco, KZ0Q  (formerly KC0FTQ).
For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact kz0q@amsat.org.
Last updated: 21-Oct-2007 12:40:48 -0600.